Odd Job Jack (2003)
Odd Job Jack was a Canadian animated comedy television show featuring Don McKellar, about one man's misadventures in temporary employment. Seen on and produced for the The Comedy Network, a cable specialty channel, and shown on Adult Swim in Latin America, the show has currently finished its production run as of its fourth season. The second season has been released to DVD, and seasons two through four can currently be seen on the on demand streaming video service Hulu.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Don McKellar
Jack Ryder (voice)
Jeremy Diamond
Leopold Trench (voice) / Writer / Producer
Matthew Ferguson
Bobby Lee (voice)
Denny Silverthorne
Producer / Writer
Scott Gorman
Various roles
Jonas Diamond
Executive Producer
Adrian Carter
Writer / Producer
Rick Miller
Mr. Fister
Release DateMarch 5, 2003
Running Time30m
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
odd job
young adult
college graduate
Odd Job Jack is a Canadian adult animated sitcom starring Don McKellar playing the main character of the series named Jack Ryder and his misadventures in temporary employment. Seen on and produced for The Comedy Network, a cable specialty channel, and once available on iTunes, Adult Swim and MuchMusic in Latin America, 2x2 in Russia, Hulu in the United States, and MusiquePlus in French-speaking Canada. A total of 52 episodes were produced over four seasons. Reruns also aired in winter 2013 on MTV2.