Broken Vow (2012)
Broken Vow is a Filipino drama series created and written by Dode Cruz, under the direction of Gil Tejada, Jr. and produced by GMA Network. The series starred Bianca King, Luis Alandy, Gabby Eigenmann and Rochelle Pangilinan as the four lead characters. It premiered February 6, 2012 replacing Kung Aagawin Mo Ang Langit in GMA Afternoon Prime block and February 8, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV.
This series follows the story of Melissa, Felix, Roberto and Rebecca, the four protagonists whose lives and loves entangled by deception, obsession, broken love and broken promises.
Originally slated to air for just one season, the series awarded several extensions after it scores massive success in television ratings, both in Urban Luzon, Mega Manila and National Urban Philippines, outshining its competition in the afternoon slot.
The series is set to conclude on June 15, 2012 and to be replaced by Faithfully. It ran for 19 weeks with 93 episodes all in all.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Bianca King
Melissa Santiago-Rastro
Adrian Alandy
Felix Rastro
Gabby Eigenmann
Roberto Sebastian
Rochelle Pangilinan
Rebecca Sta. Maria
Marco Alcaraz
Michael Pascual
Marco Alcaraz
Michael Pascual
Juan Rodrigo
Mayor Lucio Sebastian
Carmi Martin
Rosanna Sebastian
Release DateFebruary 6, 2012
Running Time30m
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
sexual assault
Broken Vow is a 2012 Philippine television drama romance series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Gil Tejada Jr., it stars Bianca King, Luis Alandy, Gabby Eigenmann and Rochelle Pangilinan. It premiered on February 6, 2012, on the network's Afternoon Prime line up replacing Kung Aagawin Mo ang Langit. The series concluded on June 15, 2012, with a total of 93 episodes. It was replaced by Faithfully in its timeslot.