Confessions of a Teen Idol (2009)
Confessions of a Teen Idol is an American reality series that began airing on VH1 on January 4, 2009 and concluded on February 22, 2009. It ran for eight episodes. The series was hosted and produced by former teen idols Scott Baio and Jason Hervey. The show was filmed in the same house used to film The Real World: Hollywood.
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Release DateJanuary 4, 2009
Running Time1h
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Confessions of a Teen Idol is an American reality series that began airing on VH1 on January 4, 2009 and concluded on February 22, 2009. It ran for eight episodes. The series was hosted and produced by former teen idols Scott Baio and Jason Hervey. The show was filmed in the same house used to film The Real World: Hollywood.