The American Gladiators Documentary (2023)
This docuseries takes an unconventional approach to the epic tale of the famed reality-competition show. What begins as a traditional sports documentary soon gives way to bigger themes of greed, divergent narratives, and ultimately questions how history itself is written.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Johnny Ferraro
Self - Interviewee
Deron McBee
Self - Interviewee
Brian Gadinsky
Self - Producer, American Gladiators
Michael Horton
Self - Interviewee
Jim O'Doherty
Self - Warm-Up Act, American Gladiators
Lynn 'Red' Williams
Self - Interviewee
Mike Adamle
Self - Host, American Gladiators
William Billy Smith
Self - Interviewee
This TV Show Is About.
sports history