Slime Time Live
Running Time
Slime Time Live is a television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 2000–2003, lasting 8 seasons. During its run it was hosted by Dave Aizer, Jonah Travick and Jessica Holmes and produced/directed by Jason Harper. It was located outside of the former Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios Florida. It mainly aired as filler during regular commercial time.
The show holds two Guinness World Records – most people pied in three minutes, and most people slimed. The sliming was done outdoors, in front of the studios.
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Running Time2h
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This TV Show Is About.
Slime Time Live is a television show that aired on Nickelodeon from 2000–2004, lasting 8 seasons. During its run it was hosted by Dave Aizer, Jonah Travick and Jessica Holmes and produced/directed by Jason Harper. It was located outside (inside if either weather did not permit, or the outdoor area had become too messy from earlier in the day) of the former Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios Florida (the third-to-last show to do so). It mainly aired as filler during regular commercial time.
The show holds two Guinness World Records – most people pied in three minutes (1,000 in 2001), and most people slimed (762 on the finale). The sliming was done outdoors, in front of the studios.