Zappa Plays Zappa - House Of Blues 2015 (2015)

2h 46m
Running Time

April 28, 2015
Release Date

Zappa Plays Zappa - House Of Blues 2015

Zappa Plays Zappa - House Of Blues 2015 (2015)

2h 46m
Running Time

April 28, 2015
Release Date

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The music of psychedelic mind-bender Frank Zappa lives on thanks to his son. Fronting the foremost Zappa tribute band, guitarist Dweezil Zappa spent three years studying the intricate music and physical performances of his father's legacy, emerging as a fully-fledged artist in his own right. In association with the Zappa Family Trust, the show has become the closest thing to Zappa Senior in style and sound. Taking up the musical reigns of a musical chameleon like Frank Zappa is no mean feat, for his staggering creative output ranged from the complexities of progressive rock to avant garde jazz tinged with wry political and social commentaries. Yet Zappa Plays Zappa is no mere tribute band. Backed by a stellar crew of musicians, including some of Frank's original line-up, Dweezil channels the weird wizardry so perfectly it's as if his father never left this earthly plane.

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Release Date
April 28, 2015


Running Time
2h 46m


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