The Cop (1970)

1h 35m
Running Time

October 5, 1970
Release Date

The Cop (1970)

1h 35m
Running Time

October 5, 1970
Release Date

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A crackdown on drugs leads a burned out cop to take the law into his own hands and seek revenge against villainous drug dealers. Word comes down from above that the United States feels French authorities have been lax on their arrests of the dealers. A violent action feature finds the harried inspector battling his colleagues as much as the criminal element targeted for extermination.

Where to Watch.

Molotov TVSubs

Currently The Cop is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Molotov TV, Universcine

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🇫🇷 France

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This Movie Is About.


Release Date
October 5, 1970

Original Name
Un condé


Running Time
1h 35m

Content Rating


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The Cop (French: Un condé, Italian: L'uomo venuto da Chicago) is a 1970 French-Italian crime film directed by Yves Boisset that stars Michel Bouquet and Françoise Fabian. With considerable moral ambiguity, it tells the story of a committed policeman in a crooked force who concludes that the only way to avenge the murder of a colleague by criminals is to use their own weapons of beatings and shootings. Its portrayal of police corruption and violence led to demands from French government ministers for extensive cuts or a total ban and in the end the French release had a few cuts.

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