Shaky Ground (1992)
Shaky Ground is a TV sitcom created by Bob Keyes, Chip Keyes & Doug Keyes, which starred Matt Frewer as Bob Moody, a hapless, but supportive and caring father. Robin Riker played his wife and Matthew Brooks, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Bradley Pierce played their children. The show aired on FOX for the 1992-1993 season.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Bernadette Moody
Matt Frewer
Bob Moody
Robin Riker
Helen Moody
Bradley Pierce
Dylan Moody
Harold Sylvester
Matthew Brooks
Carter Moody
Alex Nevil
Arthur Dannenberg
Tony Longo
This TV Show Is About.
middle class
Shaky Ground is an American sitcom, created by Bob Keyes, Chip Keyes, and Doug Keyes, which starred Matt Frewer as Bob Moody, a hapless but supportive and caring father. Robin Riker played his wife and Matthew Brooks, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Bradley Pierce played their children. The show aired on Fox from December 27, 1992 to May 23, 1993.