The Rerun Show (2002)
The Rerun Show is a short-lived American sketch comedy television series that aired on NBC from August 1, 2002 until August 20, 2002. VH1 also aired the show on Friday nights at 11:30 P.M. The series was created by John Davies and David Salzman.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Paul Vogt
Edna Garrett / Larry Tate / Tom Willis
Mitch Silpa
Darrin Stephens / Harry Bentley / A.C. Slater
Danielle Hoover
Bunny / Jessie Spano / Julie Cooper
Don Reed
George Jefferson / A.C. Slater / Al Bundy
Daniele Gaither
Lisa Turtle / Ann Romano / Florence Johnston
Brian Beacock
Keith Partridge / Endora / Jefferson D'Arcy
Ashley Eckstein
Barbara Cooper / Blair Warner / Girl
Candy Ford
Helen Willis / Arnold Jackson / Dee Thomas
This TV Show Is About.
sketch comedy
The Rerun Show is an American sketch comedy television series that aired on NBC from August 1, 2002 until August 20, 2002. VH1 also aired the show on Fridays at 11:30 P.M. The series was created by John Davies and David Salzman.