Hakuchi: The Innocent (1999)

2h 26m
Running Time

November 13, 1999
Release Date


Release Date
November 13, 1999

Original Name


Running Time
2h 26m


Last updated:


Allain Ollivier dit Alain Ollivier, born in Saint-Malo intra-muros (Ille-et-Vilaine) on 21 February 1938 and died of cancer in Paris on 21 May 2010, is an actor, director and director of French theatre who studied theatre at the Charles Dullin School with Georges Wilson and Alain Cuny.In 1973, he staged Bond in front of Pierre Guyotat, a historical version created at the Festival de La Rochelle under the direction of the author. A long companionship united them, and they will create together in 1989, as part of the Festival d'Automne in Paris, Bivouac, at the Théâtre de la Bastille in Paris.From 1983 to 2001, he was director of the Studio-Théâtre de Vitry where he established the company of the same name in 1986 in an old factory of ferblanterie converted by the architect and stage designer Patrick Bouchain at the 18th Avenue de l'Insurrection. The Studio-Théâtre de Vitry (theuvre du Québec et débutaire du Paris, 1986) was the beginning at the beginning of Paris. From 2002 to 2007, he directed the Théâtre Gérard Philipe de Saint-Denis, which he endowed with a third theatre by entrusting the conversion of the old cinema to Patrick Bouchain. He inaugurated this theatre in 2006 with the creation of Le Marin, Fernando Pessoa. He also produced and associated stage directors of the new generation who would then lead the National Drama Centers (Daniel Jeanneteau, Richard Brunel, Célie Pauthe) and staged Bertolt Brecht, Jean Genet, Maurice Maeterlinck, Fernando Pessoa (who he re-created Le Marin in Portuguese at the Théâtre d'Almada in 2008).He discovered texts by contemporary authors, he staged in 2005 the first play of the novel "Rosad-Félinières" (Olihaliers, Les Paphaliers). Previously, he had helped to reveal in France the theatre of Thomas Bernhard (1982) by staging L'Ignorant et le Fou and that of Nelson Rodrigues with Valse n°6, (1995) Ange Noir, (1996) and Toute nudité will be punished (1999).As an actor, he played under the direction of Bernard Sobel, Roger Planchon, Peter Brook, Jacques Lassalle, Philippe Adrien and Antoine Vitez.He was a professor at CNSAD, ENSATT and the Théâtre national de Strasbourg.He is the author of Piétiner the stage, at the Éditions Verticales, 2002.

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