So Little Time (1952)

1h 28m
Running Time

April 18, 1952
Release Date


Release Date
April 18, 1952


Running Time
1h 28m


Last updated:


So Little Time is a 1952 British World War II romantic drama film directed by Compton Bennett and starring Marius Goring, Maria Schell and Lucie Mannheim.

The film is based on the novel Je ne suis pas une héroïne by French author Noëlle Henry. So Little Time is unusual for its time in portraying its German characters in a mainly sympathetic manner, while the Belgian Resistance characters are depicted in an aggressive, almost gangster-type light. So soon after the war, this was not a narrative viewpoint British audiences and critics expected in a British film and there was considerable protest about the film's content. Marius Goring considered it as one of his favourite films and was a rare romantic leading role for him, though one of several films in which he played a German officer.

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