Bruce Springsteen A MusiCares Tribute (2014)

2h 15m
Running Time

April 25, 2014
Release Date

Bruce Springsteen A MusiCares Tribute (2014)

2h 15m
Running Time

April 25, 2014
Release Date

External Links & Social Media


A MusiCares Tribute to Bruce Springsteen is a concert video set to be released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital Download on March 25, 2014. It was filmed in 2013 at the MusiCares Person of the Year ceremony to honor and pay tribute to musician Bruce Springsteen for his artistic achievement in the music industry and dedication to philanthropy. The ceremony was hosted by Jon Stewart and features many performance by musicians who have long been fans and admirers of Springsteen's body of work. Springsteen and the E Street Band concluded the ceremony with their own performance.

Where to Watch.

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Currently Bruce Springsteen A MusiCares Tribute is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Apple TV, Vudu

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This Movie Is About.


Release Date
April 25, 2014

Original Name
A MusiCares Tribute to Bruce Springsteen


Running Time
2h 15m

Content Rating


Last updated:


A MusiCares Tribute to Bruce Springsteen is a concert video released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital Download on March 25, 2014. It was filmed in 2013 at the MusiCares Person of the Year ceremony to honor and pay tribute to musician Bruce Springsteen for his artistic achievement in the music industry and dedication to philanthropy. The ceremony was hosted by Jon Stewart and features many performance by musicians who have long been fans and admirers of Springsteen's body of work. Springsteen and the E Street Band concluded the ceremony with their own performance.

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