Vinyl (2012)

1h 25m
Running Time

March 15, 2012
Release Date

Vinyl (2012)

1h 25m
Running Time

March 15, 2012
Release Date

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Release Date
March 15, 2012


Running Time
1h 25m


Last updated:

This Movie Is About.

woman director


Vinyl is a 2012 British comedy film written and directed by Sara Sugarman. It is based on the true story of Mike Peters and The Alarm who in 2004 released the single "45 RPM" under the name of a fictitious band "The Poppy Fields".

The film features a number of past pop and rock stars in cameo roles, such as Steve Diggle (Buzzcocks), Jynine James, Mike Peters and Tim Sanders (The City Zones), along with the actors Phil Daniels, Keith Allen, Perry Benson, Jamie Blackley and Julia Ford.

Vinyl has a soundtrack written and performed by The Alarm with Mike Peters, Phil Daniels and Keith Allen all making contributions.

Filmed mostly on location in Rhyl, it features many local attractions and features. Despite being a USA production the cast is totally British with many of the actors having connections to North Wales, particularly Rhyl. The cast also includes many past members of The Rhyl T.I.C. (Theatre in the Community) which at the time of filming provided many of the younger cast including members of the fake band, the auditionees, security guards, music business employees and of course the fans. The local community of Rhyl also provided location venues in which the crew could film such as The Rhyl Pavilion, Robin Hood Caravan Park, Glan Clwyd Hospital and The Bistro night club. This allowed the film to stay close to the original true story and have the feel of an authentic biog picture.

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