Rhythm & Blues (1992)
Rhythm & Blues is a short-lived 1992 American sitcom that aired on NBC for only five weeks from September 24, 1992 to October 22, 1992 with an additional left over episode airing on February 19, 1993. The show stars Roger Kabler, Anna Maria Horsford, Ron Glass, Troy Curvey Jr., Vanessa Bell Calloway, Miguel A. Nunez, Jr., and Christopher Babers.
The premise of the show stars Kabler as Bobby Soul, a white man who gets hired on a black radio station after being initially mistaken as a black man.
Despite being listed among NBC's Must See TV Thursday night lineup after A Different World at 8:00 and before Cheers at 9:00, the show was cancelled after only five weeks due to low ratings. The show was heavily criticized for relying on traditional black stereotypes for its humor. TV Guide said that: "What makes a show built on white jokes any better than a show built on black jokes?"
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Roger Kabler
Bobby Soul
Vanessa Bell Calloway
Colette Hawkins
Troy Curvey Jr.
The Love Man
Christopher Babers
Jordan Moffet
Ron Glass
Don Phillips
Art Wolff
David A. Goodman
This TV Show Is About.
Rhythm & Blues is an American sitcom television series created by Jordan Moffet, that aired on NBC for five weeks from September 24 to October 22, 1992, with an additional left over episode airing on February 12, 1993. The show stars Roger Kabler, Anna Maria Horsford, Ron Glass, Troy Curvey Jr., Vanessa Bell Calloway, Miguel A. Nunez, Jr., and Christopher Babers.